Monday, April 27, 2009

Amanah Saham Nasional Wawasan 2020 – 10% Investment Return

ASN Wawasan 2020 is a government unit trust fund with the objective of providing regular distribution of dividend between 6-10% to investors. With the current interest rate of fixed deposit at 2.5%, this fund no doubt has been a sought after scheme to hedge against inflation. With a limitation of maximum investment of no more than RM 20,000 per person, the fund is selling like hot cake.

My mom called me early in the morning to ask me to invest into this fund. I normally invest into stocks and shares, and funds has never been my cup of tea. This morning, I thought it might be a good idea for me to have some decent savings with the government. I arrived at CIMB Kampung Air branch by 9:30am and realized all forms had been taking up. I had to look for a Maybank branch nearby to obtain an account opening form. My number was 85. At the time, the system was either offline or slow. For those who didn’t have an account, they had to queue up! Heard that the person who got the 1st place came at 6.00am and a young man at position 5 came at around 7.00am.

After queuing for about an hour, I decided to leave. I was patient enough to carry on waiting but I believed my chance was rather slim. I thought... I had invested in a much better bank with supernormal returns. However, I was amazed at the enthusiasm of the 5% difference in returns.

I wondered... if somewhere was willing to offer 10% return per annum, how long would the queue be? What about somewhere that offers 50% return on your investment? Or100%? I think people will think that is a scam rather than an investment.

I have a scheme, by giving 10%, you will receive more than 10 times, 100 times. The return is mathematically ridiculous. You may want to ask me, where can I find this bank? My answer is simple.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 3:10)

I truly believe that when we invest in our heavenly account, the returns and rewards are far greater than the investment that we make on earth. Returns are guaranteed, totally risk free. There is no such case as that of Lehman brothers. Our Lord is the provider; you will not be in want as in Psalm 23:1.
Besides that, this place is safe and totally thieves-free. Have you ever worried that the thieves will break in and steal your treasure when you are away on holiday? Do you put all your treasures and belongings in the safes with layers of password and protections? Are you worried that your investment will go in vain due to wars or political uncertainties? We worry that our treasures will be lost in all above scenario.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-20

If we place our treasure in heaven, our heart will be there. We will live our life not to worry that we will lose everything. Imagine, when you are walking by the beach without any valuables, just a bottle of water to quench your thirst and a clear mind to enjoy God’s beautiful creation, will you worry that someone will come to you and rob your belongings? I believe you will not because you have placed all your money in the bank, and valuables in the safe. That is exactly how you will feel when you place your treasure in heaven, it is better than anything because you know your blessings will more than your room can accommodate.

Do you still think queuing for a 10% return of ASN Wawasan 2020 is still such a good investment?

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