Friday, April 17, 2009

Elijah Taken Up to Heaven – A reflection of a Christian life (Part 2)

After Bethel, Elijah continued his journey to Jericho. Jericho was situated ten miles northwest of where the Jordan River enters the Dead Sea and four miles from the river, at an elevation of one thousand feet below sea level. Jericho is situated on a narrow plain on the western side of the Jordan Valley. Behind the city, the land rises sharply into a mountainous wilderness.

A perennial spring supplies abundant water (more than one thousand gallons an hour), making Jericho a productive tropical oasis. It was called "the city of palm trees" (Deut 34:3), an indication of the extraordinary production of dates.

The passage in Revelation 7:9 where the glorified of all nations are described as "clothed with white robes and palms in their hands," might seem to us a purely classical image; but palm branches were used by the Jews in token of victory and peace. We, as Christians, can live a victory life with the help of the Holy Spirit. Reading His words through frequent devotion will strengthen our faith.

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” (Ephesians 3:16)

We eliminate our bad habits with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ blood cleansed our robes and we want to keep clean of our white robes. It is important for us to read his words and equip ourselves against all types of temptations. As a Christian, we face challenges and his words are like the light in the darkness, compass in the wilderness, we can always find our directions no matter how bad the situation is.

Just like what Elijah encountered when he reached the Jordan River. He could not get pass the river without getting wet. With his faith and belief, he divided the water, just like what Moses did in Exodus. These two spiritual leaders were just like you and I. They faced various challenges and persecutions but they did not lose their faith. They knew God is a true and eternal one. With faith and perseverance, they received the prize in heaven.

The four places where Elijah visited: Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and River Jordan represented the four stages in our Christian life. Firstly, we cleansed ourselves through baptism; secondly, we received the Holy Spirit. Thirdly, we live a victory life with the help of the Holy Spirit and finally, we wait for our ultimate prize by passing all challenges and persecution through faith and our belief.

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