Monday, April 13, 2009

My Testimony - In the Past, I lived by Fleshly Desires; Now, I live by the Spirit

In the name of Jesus Christ, I bear my testimony.

3rd April 2009, last Friday, marked a very important day of my life.

Let me introduce myself. I am David Lau. I have been a truth seeker in this church for more than one and a half years. I was born in England and raised in Tawau. I pursued my studies in England and stayed on to work. I started my career in England as an accountant and turned into investment personnel.

I was born to a Christian family. When I was in England, I attended church services regularly. Like many others, I faced so many worldly temptations. As a young graduate, I started with a good career, I worked for a top company in my field, got a good paid job, and I was on top of the world. I was successful in my career and I did not need God. I believed the future was in my hands. I lived a very messy life which is out of your imagination. Yes, I still went to church but I lived my life like there was no tomorrow. It was fun and all vanity, but it did not bring you true happiness. I hid my sins on Sundays when I attended church services.

About five years ago in 2004, I decided to come back to Malaysia due to some personal issues. I hit a very low point in my life. Everything was taken away from me just like that: my career, my ambitions, my loved ones. Not long after coming back to KK, I was diagnosed with liver damage and rested for 6 months. I still hungered for money and power then. I believed money can buy happiness but I was actually a gentile as what was recorded in 1 Peter 4:3, for you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do – living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.

Due to my current job, I met a sister from this church. She happens to be my tenant. When I got to know her slightly better, she started to invite me to go to the church. My initial intention was to refuse it but did not know why I agreed in the end. My first visit to TJC was not too bad although I felt really weird about the members praying in tongues. I was really scared but I started to do some research on the Holy Spirit. I wanted to learn more about it.

After learning about the Holy Spirit, I felt I really wanted it, but I was too unsure to ask for it. It took me almost a year before I finally stepped out to ask for the Holy Spirit. I lacked faith and I did not humble myself before God. One thing that touched me about this church is that the members are very God Fearing. I could truly see the difference in this sister.

After going out with this sister for awhile, she started to ask about the direction of my faith. I told her the only way I can get myself to totally submit to God in this church is through a miracle. Unless God touched me and I could see and feel his miracle in me such as receiving the Holy Spirit, it would be very difficult to fully accept. I was serious about this.

When I attended a service on Tuesday night on 31st March, I prayed in total desperation as a sinking man holding onto a float in an angry sea. I truly believed what the bible recorded in Matthew 7:7-8 ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.’

When I poured out my heart in total submission to God. I experienced that the Holy Spirit started to move me to utter in an unknown language and my tears came down. I felt warm and I felt good. I felt peace. I was touched by the Holy Spirit.

The following Friday night service, I prayed hard and I told God I was ready for him to change me. Suddenly, I saw a bright white light, felt warm heat coming down from my head to my body, I felt peace and relieved. I uttered loudly as I could feel the connection between God and I. I believed God had pardoned all my sins. I was so joyous. Later on, Deacon Ezra Kam confirmed that I have received the Holy Spirit.

Praise to the Lord that he has not forsaken me. From then on, I am anxious to be baptised in the Lord. I was told that Penampang church is having a spiritual assembly from May 8 - 10 and so I will take the opportunity to be baptised on the 10th of May.

This is the end of my testimony, all praise and glory be given to our Lord - Jesus Christ. Amen.

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