Friday, May 1, 2009

Swing while you're winning

The weather over in KK had been really hot lately with average temperature hitting 33 ‘C. The morning rain brought sprinkle of coolness, ousting away the hot air. I had a flight of 4 this morning and it was amazing. I am a beginner and my swing has not been really consistent.

In the game of golf, strength is most often associated with distance, how far you hit the ball. Although it feels good to send your tee shot high and far, strength training for golf is important for reasons other than extra distance. First and foremost, strength (together with flexibility) provides the foundation for a more efficient, reliable golf swing, two qualities better players share.

An efficient golf swing, or any athletic movement for that matter, requires some degree of stability, power, balance and coordination. Strength training provides a foundation for these. In other words, you can’t improve your club head speed without first increasing stability and power. And you can’t optimize your power without sufficient balance and coordination. And in order to maintain it for 18 holes, you need endurance. A comprehensive, golf specific strength training program, when combined with flexibility training, will therefore promote a more efficient and reliable golf swing, increase your endurance, and not to be overlooked, will reduce the risk of injury.

As a beginner, you try to grab the club and swing as hard as possible and hoping to hit the ball dead hard. What we hope for is the distance. When you are seasoned, you know the right techniques is to hold the club gently, swing constantly with moderate speed and let the body movement carry the ball away from the tee. You will realize the distance it carries is so much further away and consistent.

It is a simple technique but it takes years of practice to perfect your skill. Our muscles will memory our swing and that forms part of our skills. In life, as a Christian, it is important to learn how to let go of control of my life and surrender to God. Being a Christian does not mean we will have less temptations or trials in life. In fact, ‘successful’ or ‘blessed’ Christians are those who have encountered numerous of trials in life and being able to hold onto HIS promise.

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” (1 Peter 4:12-14)

When we surrender ourselves to God and let the Holy Spirit rests upon us, there are changes being done to us. It is not saying once we are baptized and dwelled in him, we will not fall. In fact, Belial will find ways to deceit us and make us fall. That is why it is very important for us to endure the trials with his words.

It is just like letting go of our control in swinging and let our body takes charge. It is just like giving the helm to Jesus Christ and let him take charge of our life. In the end, you will see a beautiful swing with virtually effortless but lifting the ball to a new height and great distance. It applies to our journey on earth, being able to live against the trials with comfort and glorify his name by his grace.

Now, are we going to swing in victory?

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