Monday, April 27, 2009

Amanah Saham Nasional Wawasan 2020 – 10% Investment Return

ASN Wawasan 2020 is a government unit trust fund with the objective of providing regular distribution of dividend between 6-10% to investors. With the current interest rate of fixed deposit at 2.5%, this fund no doubt has been a sought after scheme to hedge against inflation. With a limitation of maximum investment of no more than RM 20,000 per person, the fund is selling like hot cake.

My mom called me early in the morning to ask me to invest into this fund. I normally invest into stocks and shares, and funds has never been my cup of tea. This morning, I thought it might be a good idea for me to have some decent savings with the government. I arrived at CIMB Kampung Air branch by 9:30am and realized all forms had been taking up. I had to look for a Maybank branch nearby to obtain an account opening form. My number was 85. At the time, the system was either offline or slow. For those who didn’t have an account, they had to queue up! Heard that the person who got the 1st place came at 6.00am and a young man at position 5 came at around 7.00am.

After queuing for about an hour, I decided to leave. I was patient enough to carry on waiting but I believed my chance was rather slim. I thought... I had invested in a much better bank with supernormal returns. However, I was amazed at the enthusiasm of the 5% difference in returns.

I wondered... if somewhere was willing to offer 10% return per annum, how long would the queue be? What about somewhere that offers 50% return on your investment? Or100%? I think people will think that is a scam rather than an investment.

I have a scheme, by giving 10%, you will receive more than 10 times, 100 times. The return is mathematically ridiculous. You may want to ask me, where can I find this bank? My answer is simple.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 3:10)

I truly believe that when we invest in our heavenly account, the returns and rewards are far greater than the investment that we make on earth. Returns are guaranteed, totally risk free. There is no such case as that of Lehman brothers. Our Lord is the provider; you will not be in want as in Psalm 23:1.
Besides that, this place is safe and totally thieves-free. Have you ever worried that the thieves will break in and steal your treasure when you are away on holiday? Do you put all your treasures and belongings in the safes with layers of password and protections? Are you worried that your investment will go in vain due to wars or political uncertainties? We worry that our treasures will be lost in all above scenario.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-20

If we place our treasure in heaven, our heart will be there. We will live our life not to worry that we will lose everything. Imagine, when you are walking by the beach without any valuables, just a bottle of water to quench your thirst and a clear mind to enjoy God’s beautiful creation, will you worry that someone will come to you and rob your belongings? I believe you will not because you have placed all your money in the bank, and valuables in the safe. That is exactly how you will feel when you place your treasure in heaven, it is better than anything because you know your blessings will more than your room can accommodate.

Do you still think queuing for a 10% return of ASN Wawasan 2020 is still such a good investment?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Purpose of Life

He said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:21)

Have we ever truthfully asked ourselves what is the purpose of our presence? I believe many of us do not even bother with this question. We have too many worldly issues that we need to tackle and asking a hypothetical question is out of reach. This question has been purposely crafted for us to live our life.

Our existence is because of his grace. We are given by God. Our presence is beautiful because we are his offspring.

“Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7)

It is his grace that we present. Our purpose of life is to glorify him. We are unique to God. He has special purpose for each of us. Sometimes, we are born with defects; we are born in poor; we are porn in weak. The Imperfections of our life is to glorify the perfection of God. Look at everyone around us, no one is perfect. Look again at our life journey, don’t you think our path is full of miracles. It is God who has given us everything and we should be thankful.

We feel despairs, upset when we lose something. If you understand that it is from God and given by him, then you will know it is alright if God has taken it away. When God takes it away, he may want us to learn a lesson, go through a test, equip us or mould us. Remember, he loves us and he will not let us suffer without purpose. He knows how much we can take and he will not let us suffer more than what we can bear. When we are desperate, you know he will save us.

When was the last time you spoke to your parents? When was the last time you had a quiet personal moment with God? Knowing him and understanding him, then you will know your life journey is not alone. Things are actually rosier than you think. He loves us, and he wants his children be blessed and joyous to bear his testimony in life. Have you found your purpose of life now?

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me; you will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me.” (Psalm 138:7)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Testimate of Life

The Link for Susan Boyle's performance :

Susan Boyle, a Scottish lady who stormed into the stardom with her unbelievably beautiful voice had swept a cynical audience and the judges on a reality TV show called “Britains’ Got Talent” on 11th April. Her powerful performance of "I Dream A Dream" from Les Miserables has took the World including the irascible Simon Cowell (also of American Idol and producer of the show).

Who Susan Boyle is as a person is a story of a good simple woman winning over a bad, complicated society. Ms. Boyle is 48 years old, unemployed, and she says never married or "kissed". I do not laugh here because I think of her more as pure rather than question anyone's desire for her or perceived lack of same. The worldwide sensation lives in her childhood home in West Lothian, one of 32 council areas in Scotland. (FYI, West Lothian is a wide moorland expanse roamed by wolves and colourful, fast-moving peasants.)

Ms. Boyle cared for her mother until the elder Boyle's passing in 2007 at the age of 91; her father passed away 10 years before. Living alone, Susan attends church each weekend and it was there that her singing talent developed, and where her late mother encouraged her to sing, but Boyle had reportedly stopped singing and did not know how she would do on that Saturday night she shocked the World.

Susan's life has not been one without pain. Sadly, she was starved of oxygen at birth and has a learning disability because of the accident. Ms. Boyle says she was abused and teased by classmates, and reportedly the scars of their comments remain to this day.

Susan Boyle's stirring song was as much a testimate to the power of the human sprit and a form of grieving as it was a display of talent. Susan wanted to make her mom smile, but in doing so made mothers all over the world smile.

As modern television, she doesn't make sense. Boyle is hearty about her snacks, she has the slightly masculine bearing of the long-term single lady and yet the Nation likes her - it may even love her (in the multimedia sense of that word) and Boyle not only seems quite content with herself, but actually has a remarkable talent of the sort few people associate with plump, cat-owning middle-aged ladies from West Lothian.

Nevertheless, Boyle has a voice - a big, serious, lyrical, swooping great voice, one that makes sense of her generous proportions as soon as she produces that sound: a sound as big as that needs serious lungs. And last Saturday night, she opened her mouth and sang in such a way that an audience full of the violently fashionable and young rose to its feet and cheered her. (The same audience which could only laugh uncomprehendingly on hearing the phrase: "I'm 47.") Now, that outpouring of admiration may be an indication that desperately shallow people are quite fickle, but I'd like to think it's about something slightly less repellent. I'd like to think it's about human beings occasionally being able to scrape together some kind of fellow-feeling for each other.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (1 Corinthians 12:9)

Our God gives a favor bestowed and generous gift to people who are totally undeserving and unworthy. It is God's favor, God's goodness, it starts at salvation and it goes right on forever because it tells us in Ephesians that through the ages to come God will show the riches of His kindness in His grace toward us.

This grace is a dynamic force which God applies to us in everything we need to glorify him. We were saved by grace, as said in Ephesians 2 says, through faith, but it is God's grace that just initiates there and sustains all the way through all of eternity. Every benefit in life, every benefit in eternity is by God's grace. And this great redemptive aspect of grace comes only to those who know Jesus Christ. It is faith in Jesus Christ that brings us into God's uncommon grace, into God's special saving grace and eternal grace.

"He was full of grace." (John 1:14)

God has the ability to pour out enough grace so that it literally overflows you and always you will have all sufficiency for all the issues of life and an abundance of grace for every good deed.
You have all the grace available you need to believe. You have all the grace you need to remove your sin and apply the righteousness of Christ to you. You have all the necessary grace to understand the Word. You have all the necessary grace granted to you to apply the Word, to overcome temptation, to triumph over habitual sin.

You have all the grace necessary to endure suffering and disappointment and pain and sorrow. You have all the grace necessary to obey the Lord, all the grace required to serve Him effectively and powerfully, all the grace necessary to worship Him in truth and in spirit. When you became a believer, the floodgates of grace were open. Grace for everything is poured out on you and continues and will continue to do that.

God’s grace bestows upon those who are weak, unwanted. God has used Susan’s voice to show the world even an unwanted forgotten person can glorify him, how about you and I? Have we got talents? Yes, we have. The only matter is whether we are stepping out to the centre stage to glorify him. Remember,

“If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength” (Proverbs 24:10)

Monday, April 20, 2009

He leads me beside quiet waters

Good morning, Father. Good Morning, Jesus. Good morning, Holy Spirit.

The weather is beautiful this morning. Warm heat gather with beautiful rays from the sun starts my day. My mind is still recalling the beautiful Babagon River that I visited yesterday. My friend, Peter invited me to attend a flying fish competition at Babagon area near Penampang. Fishing has never been my cup of tea. I always prefered vibrant and active sports activities that requires strength and body motion.

My preferred activities have extended to other areas slowly. I guess when your heart is close to God, you prefer quieter activities which can draw you nearer to him. Babagon River has been a lifeless river after excessive fishing and pollution. The Penampang Council decided to impose a clean-up regulation as well as non-fishing policy to help restore the mother river of Penampang in 2000. After 9 years of perseverance, the river is now restored to its original beauty: clean with no rubbish, clear and beautiful. I was amazed when I saw such beautiful nature in KK. As an extensive traveler, I always look out and never paid much attention to KK.

Resting is important. “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” (Genesis 2:2-3)

Sabbath day does not come without purpose. Even God’s creation such as Babagon River needs to be rested to restore its originality in order to provide bountiful life forms to support the villagers. What make us think that we can work constantly without taking a rest? Resting means totally leaving worldly matters behind and be embraced in His love and care. It is time to appreciate his presence. Just like air and wind, you don’t see it but you feel it.

“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. (Psalm 23:1-2)

That was what struck my mind. The beautiful verses written by King David struck me. I was in awe when I saw the beautiful setting of the river. I could feel the Spirit touching me and I could see how King David appreciated what the Lord had done for him. My Lord is a protector and a provider. I shall not be in want. In life, we worry too much. In times of trouble, we do not need to search high and low, left and right. All we need is to look up. The provider will answer our call. It is just that simple.

I enjoy diving. Each time when I encounter problems, I know I have one way to escape. Up, look up. In life, as a Christian, in time of troubles and despairs, we also have one way to escape, look up.

"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." (Psalm 23:6)

I know each day is a blessing day. In good times, I thank him, in bad times, I praise him. Only in bad times, we can apprehend his almighty and his work in full indebtedness.

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. … When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour.” (Psalm 8:1, 3-5)


耶和華我們的主,你的名在地何美,你將榮耀彰顯於天,將榮耀彰顯於天。觀看你所造的天,所擺設月亮星宿。觀看你指頭所造的天,所設的月亮星宿。便說人算甚麼?你竟顧念他,他算甚麼?他比天使微小一點,你賜他榮耀冠冕。耶和華我們的主,你的名在地何美,你將榮耀彰顯於天,將榮耀彰顯於天。觀看你所造的天,所擺設月亮星宿。觀看你指頭所造的天,所設的月亮星宿。環顧宇宙萬物何廣闊,試問人算甚麼。 (Extracted from Psalm 8:1, 3-5)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Visit to the Dentist

Last night, I had a classmates gathering at Upperstar, Damai branch. After gathering, Peter (newly wed) and I decided to have supper at How Kee in Foh Sang. How Kee is famous for their noodle and porridge. Near the end of our meal, I felt my right molar tooth was loosened up.

I always knew that I need to pay a visit to the dentist but I always delayed it. I planned to visit my dentist before my Australia trip but I didn’t make it. I excused myself of being busy and everything would be just fine. I thanked God for not making me going through this painful experience when I was away on holiday.

The trigger point was a stem of Chinese vegetable (Pak Choy) got stuck between my broken tooth and caused the loosened up of my tooth. This morning, after my morning praying session, I decided to take my chance to see Dr Moi in Foh Sang. I didn’t know how long I have to wait before seeing the dentist since I didn’t book any appointment. Praise the Lord that there was another dentist, Dr Ho. Her client did not turn up on time and hence I could my session.

My surgery was longer than expected. It lasted almost 2 hours. At first, she wanted to save it but my tooth was broken into 3 parts and hence saving it was not an option. After anesthetics, she wanted to move it but the stubbornness of my molar forced her to go for a more adventurous option, sawing and cutting. It took her almost an hour to cut my tooth and removed it one by one. I had an X-ray afterward and found out there was another remaining part hidden behind the root and hence I went through another bone cutting process. After stitching, I am due for my next visit on coming Friday.

Later on, I found out that Dr Ho was my young siblings’ classmates. God is amazing. While I was letting Dr Ho in control of treating me, it reminded how in life God has controlled my path, guided me through the angry sea, lonely wilderness and kept me away from dangers.

“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.” (Mark 9:43-47)

“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other.” (Mark 9:50)

If losing my tooth can save me from all the subsequent pains, I shall be grateful of this event. Since my tooth lost its ‘salt’, it was no longer being able to help me to chew without causing pain. My tooth suffered from Periodontitis. Periodontitis is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults and is the main cause in older people. Infection erodes the bone that holds the teeth in place. The erosion weakens the attachments and loosens the teeth. An affected tooth may eventually fall out or need to be pulled (extracted).

During this economy tsunami, people afraid of redundancy from corporations. We, as Christians, in our workplace should not be worried about this if we are good salt, good tooth. If we have done our shares and be true disciple of Christ, employer will see us as good salt. On the other hand, if we have lost our saltiness, no longer be a productive element to a corporation or too many sinful acts have made us like a gentile, I afraid those are very likely to get discarded.

Working in an investment bank meant good money, good career prospects and bright future but it was a history. In reality, investment banks operated in deceitful information and lies. They did not offer real products, what investors invested was a pile of lies and numbers. The failure of the business is due to GREED. Greed is a sinful nature.

With money and power, they had left God. The nation had left God and committed idolatry. God does not like it and hence blessing has gone. It is our duty to bring the lost sheep back to him, plead the Holy Spirit to guide us, to have self control.

“Like a city who walls are broken down is a man who lacks self control” (Proverbs 25:28)

We should be away from all sinful activities. We are born in flesh, lack of self control and hence the best way to keep our heart clean is to be away from all these activities and dwell in his church, listening to his words.


“The Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 10:10)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Jericho - City of Palm

Jericho was situated ten miles northwest of where the Jordan River enters the Dead Sea and four miles from the river, at an elevation of one thousand feet below sea level. A major ford of the Jordan accommodates travel from Transjordan through the river to the west. This route connects the Transjordanian Highway and the Medeba Plain in Moab to the International Coastal Highway along the Mediterranean Sea. Jericho also controlled the northern road in the Jordan Valley that led to the important trade city of Beth-shan.

Jericho is situated on a narrow plain on the western side of the Jordan Valley. Behind the city, the land rises sharply into a mountainous wilderness. Excavations at Jericho date the earliest settlements to the Mesolithic Age (8,500 B.C.), making it one of the oldest cities of the world.
The name Jericho probably derives from the Hebrew word yerah, meaning moon or month or new moon. Early inhabitants of the area probably worshiped the moon god, whom they believed controlled the cycles of the moon and therefore the agricultural seasons.

Although Jericho was an important city, it encompassed a relatively small area of only ten acres. Its tell stands seventy feet high. During the Hellenistic and Hasmonean periods, a new Jericho, sometimes called "Herodian Jericho," appeared a mile west in the Wadi Qelt. Intended to be a royal center for the Hasmonean kings of Judah in the first century B.C., it later became the eastern capital and winter residence of Herod the Great. The city flourished from 105 B.C. until it was taken by the Romans in A.D. 70.

Historical and Biblical Importance

  • When the Israelites entered the Land, the whole nation was camped just two miles away at Gilgal on the flat plain beside the Jordan River. From there, they could look up at the seemingly impregnable walls of the city. The people of Jericho could also observe the camp of the Israelites. The residents of Jericho had heard of the Israelites’ miraculous departure from Egypt forty years before. They would have been very impressed with this extraordinary event, since Egypt’s power had dominated them for many years. They were also very much aware of Moses’ victories over the formidable Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites across the river (Josh 2:9-11).

  • On God’s command, the people, priests, and warriors marched around the city of Jericho once each day for six days and seven times on the seventh day. The priests carried the ark of the covenant, signifying the presence and power of God who would give the victory. With a shout from the people and the blowing of rams’ horns by the priests, the walls fell and the city was taken.

  • After Jericho fell, Joshua pronounced a curse on any who would rebuild the city, a prediction that was fulfilled in the days of Ahab (Josh 6:26; 1 Kgs 16:34).
    Jericho lay within the territory allotted to Benjamin. This located the city in the relatively "neutral" area between the dominant tribes of Judah and Ephraim.

  • In the time of the Judges, Eglon, king of Moab, joined by the Ammonites and Amalekites, oppressed Israel from "the city of palms" (Jericho) until Ehud, the left-handed Benjamite killed him (Judg 3:12-30).

  • When David sought to confirm good relations with the new Ammonite king, the Ammonites insulted his messengers by shaving off half of the Israelites’ beards and cutting off half of their garments. David ordered the men to remain in Jericho until their beards grew again. Jericho was on the route between the Ammonite capital at Rabba-ammon and Jerusalem (2 Sam 10:1-5).

  • Accompanied by his designated successor Elisha, Elijah passed through Jericho and crossed the Jordan to the Plains of Moab, where God swept him up into heaven in a chariot. Like Joshua and the Israelites nearly five hundred years before, they did not use the ford of the Jordan. Instead, they crossed dry shod. When Elisha returned to the river alone, he faced his first test of faith. Would the authority and power that God delegated to Elijah be available to him also? In desperation and dependence he cried out, "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?" (2 Kgs 2:14). This important transition from the ministry of Elijah to the ministry of Elisha took place within sight of Jericho, on the Plains of Moab, beneath Mt. Nebo, a place fraught with historical and theological significance (1 Kgs 2:4-22). It would also become the place where, some nine hundred years later, a prophet would come out of the wilderness above Jericho, calling his countrymen to "repent and be baptized" and announcing that "the kingdom is at hand."

  • Israel’s last king, Zedekiah, fled to Jericho in an unsuccessful attempt to flee the Babylonians who were laying siege to Jerusalem. Apparently, the king was planning to escape eastward through Moab. When the Babylonians caught him, they killed all his sons, put out his eyes, and took him in chains to Babylon (2 Kgs 25:1-7; Jer 52:1-11)

  • The main road that led westward from Herodian Jericho up the steep-walled Wadi Qelt was notoriously dangerous. Bandits found it easy to hide in the ravines and behind rocks, from where they could quickly attack lone travelers. It is likely that the incident Jesus used in His message about the "Good Samaritan" took place on this road, just west of Jericho, and that the inn to which the Samaritan took the Jewish victim was located in the safety of Herodian Jericho.

  • The fact that in Jesus’ time there were actually two Jerichos may be reflected in the differences in the accounts of healing two blind men (Matt 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43). Although two blind men were involved, the more aggressive Bartimaeus was more prominent. In Matthew’s and Mark’s accounts, Jesus and His disciples are said to be leaving Jericho when they encountered Bartimaeus. Luke’s account describes the incident as happening when they were approaching Jericho. There are two possible explanations for this seeming contradiction. First, as Jesus was entering Jericho, the men pled with Him. However, they were not healed until He was leaving. A second possibility is that Jesus healed them after He left the old Jericho and as He was approaching Herodian Jericho.

  • Zaccheus held the office of a regional collector of taxes for the Roman government. It is understandable that he would reside in Jericho, given its climate, resources, strategic location, and the wealth of the area which could be taxed. Apparently, he was aware of the preaching of John the Baptist who had ministered at the Jordan River within sight of Jericho. This contact may have accounted for his desire to see Jesus and also for his immediate expression of repentance and his willingness to make restitution in the exact terms John had preached.

  • As Jesus was leaving Herodian Jericho to travel with His disciples and others to the Passover in Jerusalem, He stopped to teach the parable of the minas. It is possible that His reference to the "certain nobleman" was occasioned by the sight of a palace they were passing near Herodian Jericho. Archelaeus, son of Herod the Great, who had built this residence, had traveled to Rome when his father died in 4 B.C. to receive from Caesar the vassal kingdom of Judea and Samaria. When he returned, he had dealt harshly with his enemies.

(Partially extracted from DeVries, LaMoine F. Cities of the Biblical World. Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 1997.)

Elijah Taken Up to Heaven – A reflection of a Christian life (Part 2)

After Bethel, Elijah continued his journey to Jericho. Jericho was situated ten miles northwest of where the Jordan River enters the Dead Sea and four miles from the river, at an elevation of one thousand feet below sea level. Jericho is situated on a narrow plain on the western side of the Jordan Valley. Behind the city, the land rises sharply into a mountainous wilderness.

A perennial spring supplies abundant water (more than one thousand gallons an hour), making Jericho a productive tropical oasis. It was called "the city of palm trees" (Deut 34:3), an indication of the extraordinary production of dates.

The passage in Revelation 7:9 where the glorified of all nations are described as "clothed with white robes and palms in their hands," might seem to us a purely classical image; but palm branches were used by the Jews in token of victory and peace. We, as Christians, can live a victory life with the help of the Holy Spirit. Reading His words through frequent devotion will strengthen our faith.

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” (Ephesians 3:16)

We eliminate our bad habits with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ blood cleansed our robes and we want to keep clean of our white robes. It is important for us to read his words and equip ourselves against all types of temptations. As a Christian, we face challenges and his words are like the light in the darkness, compass in the wilderness, we can always find our directions no matter how bad the situation is.

Just like what Elijah encountered when he reached the Jordan River. He could not get pass the river without getting wet. With his faith and belief, he divided the water, just like what Moses did in Exodus. These two spiritual leaders were just like you and I. They faced various challenges and persecutions but they did not lose their faith. They knew God is a true and eternal one. With faith and perseverance, they received the prize in heaven.

The four places where Elijah visited: Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and River Jordan represented the four stages in our Christian life. Firstly, we cleansed ourselves through baptism; secondly, we received the Holy Spirit. Thirdly, we live a victory life with the help of the Holy Spirit and finally, we wait for our ultimate prize by passing all challenges and persecution through faith and our belief.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Elijah Taken Up to Heaven – A reflection of a Christian life (Part 1)

Passage: 2 Kings 2:1-11

As a Christian, we always prepare ourselves for the second appearance of Christ Jesus. Elijah meaning “Yahweh is God" was a prophet in Israel in the 9th century BC. He was the only two persons recorded in bible whom ascended into heaven by a whirlwind (Along with Enoch). He is also one of two Old Testament figures (along with Moses) who appear and converses with Jesus on Mount Hermon during the Transfiguration.

According to the Lord’s own word, who are left till the coming of Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come own from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of god, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17)

Apostle Paul of Tarsus wrote this letter to the church of the Thessalonians, indicated the scenario of the coming of the Lord. Those who are still alive during the second coming of the Lord will not have to suffer death. We will be caught up together in the air to meet the Lord. The situation will be same as Elijah and Enoch.

According to the bible, Elijah went to four different places before he was taken to heaven. God sent Elijah to these places ALONE; but Elisha refused to let his master to go alone. The first place they visited was GILGAL.

There are several towns are named Gilgal in Scripture. Gilgal near the Jordan, however, is the most important historically. The exact location of Gilgal is not known, but apparently it lay in the flat plain of the Jordan about two miles northeast of Jericho.

There are a few biblical and historical significances such as when Joshua led the nation through the Jordan, representatives of the twelve tribes carried twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan riverbed. They piled them up at Gilgal as a memorial of God’s miracle in allowing Israel to cross through the river on dry ground (Josh 4:20-24).

The main purpose of this event in this particular context is the males of Israel were circumcised at Gilgal because they had not practiced this ritual during the forty years in the wilderness (Josh 5:7). At Gilgal, the Israelites observed the Passover for the first time since leaving Egypt (Josh 5:10). The day after that Passover, the Israelites ate produce from the land as the supply of manna ceased (Josh 5:11,12).

This marked a significant end of the forty years of wilderness and they restored their relationship as God’s chosen nation. On the other hand, it also means the freedom from human regulations through life with Christ. “In Him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ” (Colossians 2:11-12)

Baptism has the same functionality as circumcision. In New Testament, baptism represented the circumcision. This particular acts means in preparation for Christians to enter the kingdom of God, we have to confess our sins, accept Christ Jesus of his salvation and admission to the kingdom of God through baptism.

Later on, Lord asked Elijah to visit a place called Bethel. Bethel is mentioned several times in Genesis. It is first mentioned in Genesis 12, but the best-known instance is probably Genesis 28:19, when Jacob, fleeing from the wrath of his brother Esau, falls asleep on a stone and dreams of a ladder stretching between Heaven and Earth and thronged with angels; Yahweh stands at the top of the ladder, and promises Jacob the land of Canaan; when Jacob awakes he anoints the stone (baetylus) with oil and names the place Bethel. Another account, from Genesis 35 repeats the covenant with God and the naming of the place (as El-Bethel), and makes this the site of Jacob's own change of name to Israel. Both versions state that the original name of the place was Luz, a Canaanite name.

Bethel also means the Temple of God. King Solomon built the Temple of God in Jerusalem. In New Testament, the Church is the Temple of God. The church does not mean the place where Christians worship, the church literary means a group of Christian members who worship. In another context, our body is the Temple of God. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and the God’s Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) God’s Spirit means the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will only dwell in us when we come clean and pure before God. We have to empty all hidden sins and burdens inside us before we ask for the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is given to us as our counselor.


The site enclosed by a wall on this long, oval hill overlooking the Wadi Far’ah is known to the Arabs as el ’Unuq (the necklace). Zertal suggests that it may be the Gilgal mentioned in Deuteronomy 11:30 as a reference point for the location of Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim. Apparently unnoticed by archaeologists until examined by the author in 1985, the site features a nearly 6-foot-wide wall of unworked stones enclosing an area measuring 800 feet by 500 feet. A possible inner wall divides the enclosure into a one-third portion in the northern (far) end and a two-thirds portion in the southern (near) end. One of the site’s most intriguing features, which the author hopes to excavate some day, is a stone pile positioned on the long axis in the southern portion. The ribbon of greenery behind the hill marks the course of the fertile Wadi Far’ah, which links the sites of Shechem, Mt. Ebal and Tell Far’ah North (Tirzah) to the Jordan River.The name "Gilgal" was not originally a specific place-name, but rather a term for a fortified camp. El ’Unuq appears to be just that. Although the site lacks permanent living quarters, it contains considerable pottery, the earliest of which dates to the 13th and 12th centuries B.C.E. and closely resembles pottery from the altar the author excavated on Mt. Ebal. In addition, the monumental size of el ’Unuq’s enclosure wall suggests a fortification. This evidence supports the identification of el ’Unuq as a fortified camp from the early Iron I period, the period of Israel’s earliest history in Canaan.
Professor Benjamin Mazar of the Hebrew University has further elaborated this idea. He identified the valley of Succoth at the point where the Jabbok River enters the Jordan—exactly opposite Wadi Far’ah—as a vital area in the patriarchal narratives and showed how this same area played a central role in early Israelite history.
According to the Jericho tradition, however, the important site of Gilgal was in the neighborhood of Jericho: "The people came up from the Jordan … and encamped at Gilgal on the eastern border of Jericho" (Joshua 4:19), where Joshua set up 12 stones to commemorate the Jordan crossing.

Another Gilgal, a northern Gilgal, a rival to the famous Gilgal of Jericho. (Hence, the title of Sellin’s book, Gilgal.) In Deuteronomy 11:30, after describing how the blessings should be pronounced on Mt. Gerizim and the curses on Mt. Ebal, the text locates these two well-known mountains in these words:

"Are they [Gerizim and Ebal] not on the other side [of the] Jordan, by the way where the sun goes down [west], in the land of the Canaanites that dwell in the country over against Gilgal, besides … Moreh."
Apparently there were two Gilgals (and more), a northern one and a southern one (and others). It has long been recognized that "Gilgal" is not a specific location, but a type of fortified camp.

Historical and Biblical Significance
  • When Joshua led the nation through the Jordan, representatives of the twelve tribes carried twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan riverbed. They piled them up at Gilgal as a memorial of God’s miracle in allowing Israel to cross through the river on dry ground (Josh 4:20-24).
  • The males of Israel were circumcised at Gilgal because they had not practiced this ritual during the forty years in the wilderness (Josh 5:7).
  • At Gilgal, the Israelites observed the Passover for the first time since leaving Egypt (Josh 5:10).
  • The day after that Passover, the Israelites ate produce from the land as the supply of manna ceased (Josh 5:11,12).
  • Gilgal became Joshua’s base after Israel entered the Land. It was from there that they attacked Jericho and later launched the central campaign against the cities of the hill country. From Gilgal, Israel’s men climbed from twelve hundred feet below sea level to an elevation of three thousand feet to the Central Benjamite Plain.
  • Representatives from Gibeon, the largest city of the Central Benjamite Plain area, came to Gilgal to deceive Joshua into making a covenant that Israel would defend their city if attacked (Josh 9:6).
  • Gilgal was one of the cities, together with Bethel and Mizpah, Samuel visited annually to judge the people (1 Sam 7:16).
  • Saul was confirmed as the first king of Israel at Gilgal after he rescued the city of Jabesh-gilead from the Ammonites (1 Sam 11:14,15).
  • Saul used Gilgal as a base camp for his attack against the Amalekites. Samuel rebuked Saul for taking the spoils of this battle, which was contrary to God’s command. The prophet told him that, because of his disobedience, the kingdom of Israel would be taken from him (1 Sam 15:21-33).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Living a Holy Life

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:15-16

Many of us, as Christians, accepted Christ Jesus when we were young or impulsively during evangelical meetings. At that very moment, we were touched by Jesus’ crucification. We vowed to live a new life and to follow His path. We were excited about starting a new life. However, as the dust settles, many a times, we reverted back either to our old self or slowly re-blended ourselves into worldly activities. Our spiritual growth became stagnant, and following Jesus’ path disappointingly became a weekly routine.

Time is a good cure for wounds, and yet it is a good poison. When we conquer over the evil one, he will try all his tricks to withhold us from following Jesus’ path. When it all fails, he knows time is a good factor. We, as human beings, are weak in consistency. All he has to do is to wait. Due to our sinful nature, we become relaxed and off-guard. We believe we can overcome all the hurdles because Jesus lives in us. However, we have forgotten about putting on the full armor of God.

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the Belt of Truth buckled around your waist, with the Breastplate of Righteousness in place, and with your Feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace. In addition to all this, take up the Shield of Faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

These were my grandfather’s favorite verses. I remembered him telling me about the armor of God over and over again when I was young. He was a preacher and he spent a lot of time preaching the gospel of peace to people after he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. He risked his life working for God. He walked his path closely with God, and so did my grandmother.

He said, “To tell truth is easier than telling lies, as there is only one truth and many lies. Live righteously as that is a proof of your identity as a true Christian. Go to people’s house with the gospel of peace; bring peace and blessings to the family as your reward will be big in heaven. Have faith in God and do not doubt. Always read the word of God as that is your only weapon against the evil one.” He lived his testimony with this simple statement and I can understand it better after receiving the Holy Spirit.

It is a blessing to be able to read the word of God. I used to hate reading bible as I think it was so boring and dull. However, God opened up my eyes after receiving the Holy Spirit. In order for me to live a holy life, it is important for me to spend time with Him alone. God’s spirit is with us as long as we live a holy life. Before I start my day, I will have a morning session with him, even if it is just a short period of time. It is more than enough to have His blessings to start my day. Each night, before I close my eyes, I thank Him for walking through my day with me. I also take the chance for him to review the sins that I commit during the day and ask for the forgiveness. I want to ‘clean up’ my heart before I rest.

I have restored my relationship with my parents and I have been living joyously over the last 14 days. I believe every one of us can set ourselves free as long as we humble ourselves before him. God is merciful and He will change us as long as we bow before him, empty ourselves. Living a holy life is not that bad after you have experienced it. It is possible and it is sweet.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Number 40 in bible

I was counting the days to my baptism. The fact is I first received the Holy Spirit on 1st April 2009 during a prayer with a sister (with confirmation on the 3rd April). From the day I received the Holy Spirit till the day of my baptism, which falls on 10th May 2009, it will be exactly 40 days. Also, 10th May is my grandmother's birthday. Many people may see it as a coincidence, but it is very meaningful to me personally. My grandmother was the most respectable person to me. I believe that without her, the gospel would never have come to my family.

Forty has long been universally recognized as an important number, both on account of the frequency of its occurrence, and the uniformity of its association with a period of probation, trial, and chastisement. There are 15 such periods which appear on the surface of the Scriptures, and which may be thus classified:—

Forty Years of Probation by Trial: Israel in the wilderness, Deuteronomy 8:2-5; Psalm 95:10; Acts 13:18 (the third 40 of Moses' life, 120 years). Israel from the crucifixion to the destruction of Jerusalem.

Forty Years of Probation by Prosperity in Deliverance and Rest: under Othniel, Judges 3:11, under Barak, Judges 5:31, under Gideon, Judges 8:28.

Forty Years of Probation by Prosperity in Enlarged Dominion: under David, 2Samuel 5:4, under Solomon, 1 Kings 11:42, under Jeroboam II. See 2 Kings 12:17,18, 13:3,5,7,22,25, 14:12-14,23,28, under Jehoash, 2 Kings 12:1, under Joash, 2Chronicles 24:1.

Forty Years of Probation by Humiliation and Servitude: Israel under the Philistines, Judges 13:1. Israel in the time of Eli, 1Samuel 4:18. Israel under Saul, Acts 13:21.

Forty Years of Probation by Waiting: Moses in Egypt, Acts 7:23. Moses in Midian, Acts 7:30

There are eight of such great periods on the surface of the Bible:
Forty days Moses was in the mount, Exodus 24:18; and to receive the Law, Exodus 24:18.
Forty days Moses was in the mount after the sin of the Golden Calf, Deuteronomy 9:18,25.
Forty days of the spies, issuing in the penal sentence of the 40 years, Numbers 13:26, 14:34.
Forty days of Elijah in Horeb, 1 Kings 19:8.
Forty days of Jonah and Nineveh, Jonah 3:4.
Forty days Ezekiel lay on his right side to symbolize the 40 years of Judah's transgression.*
Forty days Jesus was praying in the mountain and faced the temptations of the Devil, Matthew 4:2.
Forty days Jesus was seen of His disciples, speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God before his resurrection, Acts 1:2.

My Testimony - In the Past, I lived by Fleshly Desires; Now, I live by the Spirit

In the name of Jesus Christ, I bear my testimony.

3rd April 2009, last Friday, marked a very important day of my life.

Let me introduce myself. I am David Lau. I have been a truth seeker in this church for more than one and a half years. I was born in England and raised in Tawau. I pursued my studies in England and stayed on to work. I started my career in England as an accountant and turned into investment personnel.

I was born to a Christian family. When I was in England, I attended church services regularly. Like many others, I faced so many worldly temptations. As a young graduate, I started with a good career, I worked for a top company in my field, got a good paid job, and I was on top of the world. I was successful in my career and I did not need God. I believed the future was in my hands. I lived a very messy life which is out of your imagination. Yes, I still went to church but I lived my life like there was no tomorrow. It was fun and all vanity, but it did not bring you true happiness. I hid my sins on Sundays when I attended church services.

About five years ago in 2004, I decided to come back to Malaysia due to some personal issues. I hit a very low point in my life. Everything was taken away from me just like that: my career, my ambitions, my loved ones. Not long after coming back to KK, I was diagnosed with liver damage and rested for 6 months. I still hungered for money and power then. I believed money can buy happiness but I was actually a gentile as what was recorded in 1 Peter 4:3, for you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do – living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.

Due to my current job, I met a sister from this church. She happens to be my tenant. When I got to know her slightly better, she started to invite me to go to the church. My initial intention was to refuse it but did not know why I agreed in the end. My first visit to TJC was not too bad although I felt really weird about the members praying in tongues. I was really scared but I started to do some research on the Holy Spirit. I wanted to learn more about it.

After learning about the Holy Spirit, I felt I really wanted it, but I was too unsure to ask for it. It took me almost a year before I finally stepped out to ask for the Holy Spirit. I lacked faith and I did not humble myself before God. One thing that touched me about this church is that the members are very God Fearing. I could truly see the difference in this sister.

After going out with this sister for awhile, she started to ask about the direction of my faith. I told her the only way I can get myself to totally submit to God in this church is through a miracle. Unless God touched me and I could see and feel his miracle in me such as receiving the Holy Spirit, it would be very difficult to fully accept. I was serious about this.

When I attended a service on Tuesday night on 31st March, I prayed in total desperation as a sinking man holding onto a float in an angry sea. I truly believed what the bible recorded in Matthew 7:7-8 ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.’

When I poured out my heart in total submission to God. I experienced that the Holy Spirit started to move me to utter in an unknown language and my tears came down. I felt warm and I felt good. I felt peace. I was touched by the Holy Spirit.

The following Friday night service, I prayed hard and I told God I was ready for him to change me. Suddenly, I saw a bright white light, felt warm heat coming down from my head to my body, I felt peace and relieved. I uttered loudly as I could feel the connection between God and I. I believed God had pardoned all my sins. I was so joyous. Later on, Deacon Ezra Kam confirmed that I have received the Holy Spirit.

Praise to the Lord that he has not forsaken me. From then on, I am anxious to be baptised in the Lord. I was told that Penampang church is having a spiritual assembly from May 8 - 10 and so I will take the opportunity to be baptised on the 10th of May.

This is the end of my testimony, all praise and glory be given to our Lord - Jesus Christ. Amen.