Friday, May 15, 2009

Till at Long Last (by Shevon Chan)

At long last…

The cries from a barren desert,

Have been weighed up and accepted.

The tears of my weary spirit,

Now covers the vessel at brim.

At last, the pockets of the skies,

Are filled and ready at Your count.

Each cloud ready to deliver,

When my Lord commands ‘It Is Now’.

‘It Is Now’! says the Lord of hosts.

Hallelujah! Praise our Savior!

The skies opened, the clouds poured down.

You showered your Grace! Thank You Lord!

Though our sins with roots deep and wide,

Your love spans beyond depth and width.

For as high as the Heavens are above the earth,

so great is Your love for those who fear You.

And as far as the east is from the west,

so far have You removed our transgressions.

You saw my heart, my weary heart.

To stay or flee, You answered me.

You saw his heart, his rueful heart.

Begging mercy, on bended knee.

Till at long last, the time is ripe,

You revealed your beautiful song.

My grace is sufficient, My child,

For when you are weak, you grow strong.

When I ponder upon the trials;

Your apostles bore night and day.

My test is but a trivial one.

Not worth the mention, I would say,

Afflictions in stripes and tumults,

Imprisonments and sleeplessness.

These your apostles bore in faith.

What have I borne for your name?

Yet Lord I am of flesh. So weak.

The trials at times seem at peak.

Betrayal haunts me in my sleep.

Loneliness attacks harsh and deep.

Regret and insecurity;

and angst sold my insanity.

Give me strength Lord, to overcome.

Give me wisdom to understand; that which is pleasing in Your sight.

For I would like for nothing more; than to be the child of Your light.

Till at long last, I meet with you, sheltered in your bosom of might.

Till at long last….

by Shevon Chan

dedicated to my beloved brother in Christ.

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