Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Counting His Grace with Renewed Strength (Lesson on Patience)

Life has been different after I truely received Christ into my life again. To count his grace and his blessings, I have received so much from our Father. Over the past four years, he brings me out of the valley of death and lead me to his dwelling place. I have a blessed marriage, a caring wife and a beautiful daughter. God has taking care of my daily needs and he has given me plenty. In fact, it is more than what I can imagine.

Sometimes, I feel that I have not given enough to him. I am glad that I can help out in interpreting. I learn a lot and many things happen in speakers' life has constantly reminding me I shall not confound to this world. There are times when I feel weak. It may due to my personal greed or over exposure in accumulating personal gain. I do not think that I am greedy. I believe I am focusing in giving the best to my family and sometimes I slip into financial constraints.

I have acquired a few properties and focus a lot on that over the last few years. No doubts, I amass a great amount of paper gains. However, when it comes to selling the property and realizing capital gain, it proves somehow more difficult than I can imagine. I learn my lesson. One shall not sell things if one does not believe in it. It is important to focus on this Christian teaching. If that is something which you do not want, you shall not sell it to the others. I am not saying that I do not like my property. I like it but I do feel that it is not a perfect home for my family yet.

To be frank, I am running into slight financial difficulties. We have put up our home in the market since last December. Our first 'serious' viewer came by on 19 May 2013. Why did it take so long ? The market just has not been very positive as well as Malaysia was having election. Things are slightly slow. Market starts to pick up slightly. To us, we are moving to a condominium which will be our home for the next ten years or so. 

'Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.' (Isaiah 40:31)

I named my daughter after this bible verse because I believe the Lord will renew her strength as well as guide her in her path. For what we have, that is the grace of God that we have health, wealth, able to live peacefully in this world. Hence, we shall not be greedy or focusing in worldly matter zealously. 

Why I am writing this sharing, my wife and I have been praying to God to help us to find a buyer. I believe God will take care of it and I shall not be worried about that. Also, back in March/April this year, I was really depressed because I have problems servicing my mortgages. However, My Lord is the provider. He provided me with a loan of RM 100,000 from an international bank. I received a call from the banker and glad that the water came in during drought.

While I am writing this, the potential buyer came back to us with an offer. It was below our expected price but I believe we will take it. This belongs to God and God will see what is right. So, I shall accept it without any doubts.

Hallelujah! I hope those who read my blog will give thanks to him and depend on him. He will guide us and we will not lose our way. Amen.